Pastor ...

Are You Tired of Church Growth Heartbreak?

It's Your Turn to Lead a

Growing, Transformative Church

The Growing Church Network has the tools you need to move your church from stuck to faithful, effective, and sustainable growth. Join hundreds of other pastors who aren't just talking church growth, they're growing their churches and breaking through the 100 and 200 barriers.

  • Weekly Live Coaching

  • Constant Encouragement

  • Extensive Church Growth Training

Church Growth With a Community Approach

Constant Encouragement

  • Private Facebook

  • Weekly Accountability

  • 24/7 Coaching Support

  • Ongoing Peer Support

Live Coaching

  • Professional Group Coaching

  • Weekly Options

  • 90 Minute Sessions

  • Experienced Coaches

Self-Paced Training

  • Growing Church Training

  • Six Modules

  • 30+ Training Videos

  • Extensive Workbooks

Library & Seminar Access

  • 100+ Comprehensive Training Videos

  • 30+ Workbooks

  • Church Growth Tools

  • MasterClass Recordings

The Tools You Need to Transform Your Church

Turn visitors into returning guests, guests into disciples, and disciples into neighborhood missionaries

... without adding extra hours into your already too-busy schedule

  • Put an end to frustration with gimmicks that work ... for a month or two

  • Launch your church's growth without fueling church conflict

  • Experience the excitement of seeing more guests and the satisfaction of doing more baptisms

  • Rediscover the love of doing ministry that's transforming people's lives

  • Join hundreds of pastors across North America who have engaged the Growing Church Network to grow their churches.

The Six Steps We Use to Get Your Breakthrough Growth

1. Identify Your Calling: Get clear about who your church can effectively reach in your community.

2. Focus Your Content: Create events and content that are vitally important to your target audience.

3. Get Ready for Guests: Ensure your hospitality is excellent.

4. Extend Your Ministry: Model church growth, don't just talk about it.

5. Retain Your Guests: Turn your first-time visitors into returning guests through effective follow-up.

6. Increase Your Baptisms: Implement a disciple-making strategy that transforms lives.

The Effective Church Group






Pastors and Church Leaders

50+ Years


Why Join the Growing Church Network?

Because "Knowing How" isn't the same as Contextualizing and Putting It Into Practice.

Bill Tenny-Brittian, here.

I started like many of us do, with a passion for ministry. I’d been a student pastor, then got my undergraduate in Biblical Theology and headed off to seminary. What I now realize was that, despite the “wins” I kept having, I was setting myself up to fail!

I'd been doing evangelism long before I started school and by the second year of undergraduate, I was offered a position to help launch a new church in Dothan, Alabama. That was super successful and my head swelled just a little bit more when I headed off to my first solo-pastorate.

... I grew that church.

... I doubled attendance in only three months.

... I thought I was pretty awesome.

I’ll bet you know exactly what happened: Three months later, it all came down around me. We lost ALL the growth. Every new member drifted away. In six months I'd grown and killed a church all on my own.

Which was the problem.

I did all that ALL ON MY OWN.

It would be years before my ignorance caught up with my arrogance and I realized I didn't really know it all.

... and I still don't.

But what time and study HAS taught me in the last four decades is to surround myself not only with the gospel but also with the coaches and mentors I need to be the best.

I’m not talking about writing a sermon and giving an invitation, I’m talking about growing the community you’ve been entrusted with – inside and outside the walls of your church.

The simple fact is, it can get lonely as the leader of your church, and you can easily be sidetracked by all the “busy work” to be done. Being the leader you always dreamed of being for your church begins precisely at the point you decide to work ON your church and not merely work IN your church.

The difference between me all those years ago and me today is that I'm living the vision – and it's a BIG vision (that involves helping thousands of church turn from decline to sustainable growth) – that I’ve been called to live.

But my success all started ...

  • When I decided I didn't know it all

  • When I got honest with myself that I couldn't do it all

  • When I sucked it up and made the decision to work with a mentor

That's why I created the Growing Church Network. It has the training materials I wish I'd had "back in the day," and has the coaching, accountability, and encouragement that every pastor and church leader needs.

Turn Knowing into Growing with The Effective Church Group and the Growing Church Network Today.

Membership Packages

Basic Plan



  • Lifetime Access to the Growing Church Network Training Program

  • Lifetime Access to the Visionary Library

  • Lifetime Access to the Next Level For Growing Churches Private Facebook Group

Premium Plan



  • Basic Plan Plus ...

  • Weekly Live Coaching

  • Weekly Accountability

  • Access to the Full Effective Church Library (100+ Videos)

  • Access to Quarterly MasterClasses

  • Subscription to Net Results Magazine

  • Lifetime Access to the Effective Church Coaching Private Facebook Group

Executive Plan

$995 + $99/Month


  • Premium Plan Plus ...

  • Two 1-On-1 Private Coaching Sessions per Year*

  • Lifetime Access to All Effective Church Training Materials (100+ Videos)

  • Lifetime Access to All Growing Church Training Materials as They're Produced

  • Lifetime Access to all MasterClasses and Conferences

During active coaching subscription

Which Plan Is Right For Me?

But Does It Work?

Pastor Doug


We've more than doubled our attendance in less than six months ... and we're keeping 75% of all our First-Time Visitors!

Pastor Linda


Two years into this, and the Bishop informed us that we're one of the only churches showing sustainable growth in the synod. And we broke the 100 barrier and heading to 200!

Pastor Linda


Two years into this, and the Bishop informed us that we're one of the only churches showing sustainable growth in the synod. And we broke the 100 barrier and heading to 200!

Pastor Paul


In just six weeks, we've gone from a 20% visitor return rate to over 75%. The community is supportive and I'm excited for the first time in 20 years of ministry that I finally have the tools to grow our church.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do I need to dedicate each week to see results from your program?

You can start seeing results in as little as 30 to 90 days by dedicating just three to five hours a week to implementing our strategies. Our personalized weekly coaching will help you stay focused and engaged in reaching your goals, even with a busy schedule.

My congregation is small and I'm not sure if these strategies will work for us. Can you help?

Absolutely! You don't need a large congregation to get started. If you have just one or two supportive households, you have everything you need to implement what we teach. Our strategies are designed to work for churches of all sizes, and we'll help you tailor them to your specific context.

I'm concerned about the financial investment. How long will it take to see a return?

The return on your investment is typically seen in just a few months as your visitor count increases and excitement builds within your congregation. While there is an initial investment, the long-term benefits of a growing, thriving church far outweigh the costs. The three levels of training and coaching is designed so that even the smallest church can afford these resources.

We've tried other church growth programs before without success. What makes your approach different?

Our program stands out because of the personalized weekly coaching designed to keep you mission and vision-focused. We don't just provide a one-size-fits-all solution; we work with you to develop a customized strategy that addresses your unique challenges and opportunities. Plus, our ongoing support ensures that you stay on track and make consistent progress.

How will your program help me balance church growth with my personal and family life?

We understand the challenges of balancing ministry and family life. Our program is designed to help you work smarter, not harder, so you can achieve growth without sacrificing your well-being. By focusing on the most effective strategies and developing a sustainable plan, you'll be able to lead your church well while still having time for your family and personal life.

I'm not sure if my leadership team will be on board with this. How can I get them engaged?

Engaging your leadership team is crucial for success. We can provide you with tools and resources to communicate the vision and benefits of the program to your team. By involving them in the process and showing them the potential impact on your church and community, you can build buy-in and enthusiasm. We'll also offer guidance on navigating any resistance or concerns that may arise.

What kind of results can I expect to see, and how long will it take?

While results vary depending on your specific situation, many pastors in our program have seen significant growth in a relatively short time. For example, Pastor Doug in Indiana doubled his church in less than five months and is retaining 75% of his first-time visitors. Pastor Leyland in Alabama also doubled his church size and recently did 22 baptisms in a single weekend. With consistent effort and our support, you can expect to see increased visitors, baptisms, and active members within the first year of implementing our strategies.

Meet Your Coach

Bill Tenny-Brittian has been writing and preaching and teaching evangelism, church growth, and church leadership for over 40 years. As a pastor, he's planted churches from one coast to the other and helped turn churches from decline to growth nationally and internationally.

In 2004 he was invited to work with The Effective Church Group as a national church consultant, advising and training church leaders and congregations to become increasingly faithful, effective, and sustainable by transforming lives. Over the years, he's worked with hundreds of churches and thousands of church leaders, helping them grow their churches. Today, he's the president of The Effective Church Group – the oldest, most experienced independent church consulting firm in North America.

Bill believes that the local church is the best hope for transforming today's culture ... and that the pastor is the catalyst to it all. He's devoted his life to helping church pastors and church leaders activate their congregations to transform their communities.

What Our Pastors Are Experiencing

In less than a year, we've nearly tripled our average worship attendance, more than doubled our baptism rate, and we're keeping 75% of every first time guest who visits. And that's in a town with less than 450 people!

Pastor Doug Shilts


Two years into this, and the Bishop informed us that we're one of the only churches showing sustainable growth in the synod. And we broke the 100 barrier and heading to 200! What you've taught us is working, Bill!

Pastor Linda Anderson-Little


In one year, we went from 60 to 116 in average worship. We've done 30 baptisms during that time and have made more connections with the lost in our community than ever before. And it's all because we've put into practice what we've learned in the Network.

Pastor Leland Sapp


One of the most amazing things I've done – I wish I'd done it twenty years ago.

Pastor Lorna Boden


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Contact Us: 573-463-5923 or [email protected]