CONGRATULATIONS, The Get More Visitors Checklist will be in your inbox soon. As a valued church leader, I’d like to do something special for you ... so here’s an exclusive offer with a HUGE DISCOUNT!

$227 $37.00

Limited Time Offer

Weary of Members Who Just Sit There?

Has 50+ Years of Sunday School Not Transformed Lives?

The Quick Disciple Making Blueprint Will Transform Your Church

And You'll See Results In As Few As Three Weeks!


✅ The Get More Visitors Checklist Is On Its Way To Your Inbox.

As a valued church leader, I’d like to do something special for you ... so here’s an exclusive offer with a HUGE DISCOUNT!

Turn Your Guests

and Turn Your Members

Into Great-Commission

Disciples of Jesus

Let's Be Honest ...

Most Church Members Aren't Disciple Makers

The Quick Disciple Making Blueprint Will ...

  • Create a Disciple-Making Strategy In Your Church

  • Launch a Small Group Ministry that Actually Disciples

  • Transform Lives with Micro Groups

  • Transform the Status Quo with Accountability

  • And See Results In As Few As 3 Weeks!



Weary of Members Who Just Sit There?

Has 50+ Years of Sunday School Not Transformed Lives???

Is Your Church Stuck in the Status Quo of "We've Never Done It That Way Before?"

The Quick Disciple Making Blueprint

Will Transform Your Church

And You'll See Results In As Few As Three Weeks!

The truth is, Christian Education has failed to turn believers into practicing disciples of Christ.

There's a Difference Between Education (feeding the mind)

and Training (inspiring the heart and activating the feet).

If You're Going to Grow Your Church By Making New Christians

You'll Have to Do Something Completely Different!

You Get ...

3 Deep Dive Modules

3 Power Packed Videos

3 Lesson – Workbook

plus 2 Bonuses!

Inside This Deep-Dive Training

You'll Learn To ...

  • Design a Custom Disciple-Making Strategy

  • Launch a Small Group Ministry that Makes Disciples

  • Transform the Lives of Those Ready to Engage

  • Start a Life Transforming Movement with Those Who DON'T Want to Engage!

Module 01: From Failure to Funnels

  • Why Christian Education has failed the church

  • How to get over Hyper-Education-Focus

  • Develop a working strategy for a disciple making funnel that moves unbelievers (and your members) into discipleship

Module 02: Building Disciple Making Small Groups

  • Discover the curriculum that changes lives

  • Learn the disciple-making secret publishers aren't excited about

  • Raise up new small group leaders in every session you lead

Module 03: Micro Groups
& Accountability

  • Learn the most effective life-transforming tool in the kit

  • Discover how to completely change lives in as little as 30 minutes each week

  • See life change even in the lives of those who don't want to be disciples

Turn Your Guests

and Your Members

Into Great-Commission

Disciples of Jesus

Let's Be Honest ...

Most Church Members Aren't Disciple Makers

The Quick Disciple Making Blueprint Will ...

  • Create a Disciple-Making Strategy In Your Church

  • Launch a Small Group Ministry that Actually Disciples

  • Transform Lives with Micro Groups

  • Transform the Status Quo with Accountability

  • And See Results In As Few As 3 Weeks!



Order today and get THESE BONUSES
as part of our special offer at no additional cost!

Subscription to Net Results Magazine

Since 1980, Net Results Magazine has been generating new ideas, tools, and resources for growing churches across North America.

Each issue is filled with articles written by practitioners who share what's working in their contexts and provide insights about how you too could see similar results.

There are six themed issues each your covering topics like evangelism, small groups, finances, marketing, and more.

​Complementary Admission to the

Growing Church Two-Day MasterClass

Join me with my Elite and Visionary clients as we work through the six strategy journey for moving your neighbors from unbelievers to faithful disciples of Jesus ... and into membership in your congregation.

  • Reaching Out While Reaching In

  • The Main Event

  • The Four Platinum Rules

  • The Get More Visitors Strategy

  • The Keep Your Visitors Toolbox

  • From Unbeliever to Disciple

But Does It Work?

From Pastor Linda

"It's working, Bill! Doing 2 adult baptisms on Sunday plus receiving 22 additional confirmed (adult) members and 4 kids! Plus had 3 infant baptisms in the past couple months! God is good and working through your plan!" 🙏🏻 😆

From Pastor Sheila

"I have never had a course to impact my life like this course has. Instead of working this course into my life, I am working my life into this course as much as I can. I plan to take every course you offer!"

The Newly Released Edition of the Quick Disciple Making Blueprint has finally arrived.

This is the same system my clients use to turn first-time visitors into returning guests, and Turns Returning Guests Into Fully Committed Disciples of Jesus.

Dear Pastor,

Do you want to transform lives and increase baptisms?

Do you want to revitalize your congregation and inspire your members?

Of course you do!

That’s why we’ve been called to serve! We’ve chosen a path that demands we focus on the things that really matter: (1) to transform lives, (2) to grow our churches, and (3) to bless the communities we serve.

…To do the work of the Father, and of the Son, focusing on the things that really matter!

Are You Ready to Invest In What Really Matters?

  • No More Spinning Your Wheels Trying To Get Traction!

  • No More Wasted Resources And Programs That Don’t Work!

  • No More Frustrations Trying To Get The Congregation To Follow!

If So, Then Today Is YOUR Day!

Here’s Why:

You already got my Get More Visitors Checklist, so you have the basics for getting first-timers coming to your church (check your in-box!).

When you get my new Quick Disciple Making Blueprint you’ll get three AMAZING Results:

  • You'll create a working strategy that walks visitors into discipleship

  • You'll launch small groups that moves your members deeper in faith

  • You'll see lives transformed – including the lives of those you never thought you'd see change!

When I started as a pastor, I did everything I could think of to turn my exiting members into excited, Great Commission Disciples. I tried different curriculums. Launched small groups. Did pastoral counseling. And even knocked on doors to try and generate enough excitement with my members so they'd join me in life transforming ministry.

It was when I realized that my small groups weren't resulting in transformed lives that I knew I had to do something different.

And that's when I began studying how the early church did discipleship and I realized we were making this much too difficult. The results was a simple disciple making process that began transforming lives in as few as three weeks.

And that's the system – the Blueprint – I'm sharing with you today.

If you aren't happy with everything I share with you or my team members' guidance and instructions,

you have 30 days to get your money back.

Order Now To Get Instant Access




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Contact Us: 573-463-5923 or [email protected]